The story of Ruth is beautifully intricate, complete with depression and emptiness, scandal, rejection and complex relationships. In the brokenness of Ruth and Naomi's life, God's hand continues to rewrite the pain and loss, for a striking story of mercy, hope and glorious restoration. Each and everyone of us plays such a significant role in the grand story, and our hearts yearn for the day He will make all things new. The book of Ruth reminds us that even in the darkest places, the Lord writes in His endless love, a promised story of glorious purpose and place. Join us beginning September 6th for our new series, Ruth: Hearts Rewritten.
A Realized Hope
November 15, 2020: Andrew Belcher
The Wedding: The Fullness of the Gospel
November 8, 2020: Andrew Belcher
A Prepared Heart
November 1, 2020: Steve Hottmann
Threshing Floor
September 27, 2020: Andrew Belcher
In the Field
September 20, 2020: Steve Hottmann
September 13, 2020: Andrew Belcher
Love & Loyalty
September 6, 2020: Andrew Belcher